Monday 11 December 2017

Raríssimas - Rara Disease Association - How the taxpayers' money is spent by the Socialists

Vieira da Silva, Minister of Labour, 
Solidarity and Social Security

Sónia Fertuzinhos, socialist deputy, 
and wife of Minister Vieira da Silva,  
attacking the previous government 
in a parliamentary debate
on the financing of the Social and Solidarity sector 

Paula Brito e Costa, the President of Raríssimos, 
a non-profit association, with state subsidies, 
and "great friend" of Minister Vieira da Silva.

An ex-minister of the former Prime Minister
José Sócrates, (who was imprisoned and awaiting trial, 
for corruption, money laundering and fiscal fraude), 
currently occupies the same ministeries of the Sócrates' era,
in the current socialist-communist government of António Costa, 
the unelected Prime minister of Portugal. 
António Costa was the number 2, 
in the corrupt Sócrates' socialist government.

Who is this person? 
He is the current Minister of Labour, 
solidarity and Social Security, 
Vieira da Silva.
His wife, Sónia Fertuzinhos, 
is a Socialist deputy 
in the current socialist-communist government.
All in the family!!

But the virus seems to keep spreading....

According to an ex-treasurer of the Association of Rare diseases, 
Jorge Nunes, wrote several e-mails to the Minister Vieira da Silva, 
explaining the irregularities and illegal activities in the finances of the 
non-profit Association, subsidised by the State.

Vieira da Silva has ignore all communications of: 
August 9th; September 15th; September 21; 
and October 12th, where Jorge Nunes
exposed the irregularities in the Association.

Jorge Nunes: 
"I never received an answer from the Minister. 
His silence is very strange, which disturbs me," he said. 
"I would like the minister to explain this situation to me," he confessed, 
adding that the president of Raríssimas, Paula Brito e Costa, 
claims to be "a great friend" of Vieira da Silva.

It now came to light that the Minister himself was the vice-president 
of the Rare Disease Association from 2013 till 2015, 
when he assumed responsibilities as Minister.

His wife, Sónio Fertuzinhos, a Socialist deputy, 
travelled to Sweden in 2016, 
to attend a European conference of rare diseases, 
with all expenses paid, on behalf of the Association.

Another socialist, the current secretary of State 
in the Health ministery, Manuel Delgado, 
acted as a consultant, with an average monthly 
salary of €3,000. 
In 2 years, as an consultant, 
he received €63,000 from the Association.

Paula Brito e Costa, the president of Raríssimos, 
had a basic salary of €3,000/m; 
plus €1,300/m expense allowance;
plus €816,67/m pension fund;
plus €1,500/m for travelling expenses;
plus €921,59 for the leasing of a luxury car.

Apart from that, 
she spent €228 on a dress;
€821,92 on shopping;
€364,00 on groceries 
of which €230 were spent on prawns!!

Her husband, Nelson Oliveira Costa, 
also had a job in the association, 
in charge of the warehouse, 
with €1,300/m as basic salary;
plus €400,00 of subsidy;
plus €1,500 for travelling in his own car.

Their son, a student, 
and the so-called: "heir of the parade", 
seeing that his mother wanted him 
to suceed her as president of the association.

For the future possibility of being the president, 
the son received a monthly basic salary of €1,000, 
plus €200,00 of a subsidy for coordination, 
whatever that means.

Corruption galore!!
Great socialists involved AGAIN!!

The virus is spreading, 
the tax-payer's money is squandered in incredible ways, 
by those in high offices, 
in public state departments, 
and State subsidised associations, foundations etc!

A never-ending story, 
the common person just has to pay up,
with increasing taxes, 
for the luxuries of the powerful,
without any control, without any fiscalization,
living like kings and queens 
off the hard-earned money of the portuguese!! 

When the socialists are in power, 
they govern only for their own interests, 
the common people's interests are ignored, 
the people only serve to pay the every increasing taxes!!

Solidarity means jobs and subsidies for their friends, 
their children, their nieces, and nephews, 
cousins, aunts, uncles, 
wives, and husbands etc.

Solidarity and Social Security is guartanteed 
for minority groups like gypsies,
africans and other nationalities, 
but the true portuguese reality!

As a portuguese citizen, 
69 years of age,
a request for a minimum old-age pension,
has consistently been denied. 

Having the same civil rights as any other portuguese citizen, 
having always paid my taxes faithfully,

The Sócrates virus is spreading fast again!!

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