Friday 8 May 2015

Hurray!.... a cruel lesson for future elections in Portugal

Samantha and David Cameron

Not afraid to face difficulties of a severe international financial crisis, 
David Cameron has just won his second term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

With clear, simple plans for the future of the country, 
without beating around the bush, 
without personal attacks, 
with calm confidence, 
Cameron faced the most severe critisism,
always true to his objectives and not afraid to disagree
with Brussels.

But the most shocking "earthquake" for the Labour Party (Socialists),
with their anti-austerity policies and changes (illusions) impossible to realise,
was the fact that the voters in Scotland completely rejected 
and therefore wiped out the Labour Party
representation in Scotland.

Cameron's coalition partner, Nick Clegg, of the Liberal Democrats, 
decided to run on their own, 
had the most catastrophic results, with the leader,
to loose his place in parliament. 
He just resigned minutes ago!

In this most crushing, shocking, cruel election results, 
three party leaders have resigned: 
Nick Clegg (Labour Democrats)
Forage (UKIP), 
and Ed Milliband (Labour Party). 

The Conservatives clearly won the elections on their strict economic policies!!

The disastrous Labour Party lost on promises of change 
to the economic obligations imposed by Brussels 
for many years to come, 
and anti-austeristy measures,
that may seem impossible to realise:
It's easy to promise dillusions of: 
"Spending now and Paying LATER".
Labour Party believed religiously in the polls that gave them 
a comfortable victory in winning!

Let this be a RED FLAG for the portuguese Socialists.
Using the phrases that the economic policies of 
the PM has failed, believing the polls, 
just doesn't guarantee victory,
nor does it convince the the electorate. 

The electorate knows who brought misery and suffering to the country, 
by spending money which the country didn't have 
and had to borrow internationally.
When the lenders refused to lend any more money to Portugal, 
the country without any international credibility or credit, 
Passo Coelho became PM and took on him and his government, 
the near impossible task of abidding with restrictions of the troika, 
paid billions of outstanding debts, left behind by the socialists, 
raising taxes, to make ends meet, got rid of the troika, 
and offered stability to the country, with austerity and suffering, yes, 
but with international confidence 
and a better economic future on the horizon.

The socialist policy of
is a receipe for disaster for the future, 
in case António Costa´s socialists wins the elections

1 comment:

Amaro Evangelho said...

I liked to watch on TV interview with normal british people on streets about the possibility of UK stay out of European Union. An old man just said:"I just don't like the agricultural policy of the European Union. Only serves to give money to French inefficient farmers."