Thursday, 3 May 2018

The shameful Socialist Party which has shamed Portugal

Eduardo Cabrita, the Minister of Internal Affairs, 
who hid a audit report on the July fires in Pedrogão Grande, 
where 66 portuguese burnt to death. Here in a Parliamentary Commission, 
denying a secretary of State the use of the microfone, 
thereby denying him freedom of expression.

José Sócrates, ex-Prime Minister 
and Manuel Pinho, ex-minister of Economy,
in the eye of the corruption scandal

Carlos César, the president of the Socialist Party, 
who assumed the party's shame at the rife corruption.
César has employed his wife, his son and daughter-in-law, 
as well as his brother in the Public Service, in favour of the 
most needy and poor of course!!

Current unelected Prime Minister, António Costa, 
number 2 in José Sócrates' government, 
and Minister Santos Silva of Foreign Affairs, 
ex-minister of propaganda of José Socrates' Socialist regime.

Socialist Judge and his wife are both accused of corruption, 
suspected of having received millions of euros in bribe money.

Armando Vara, great friend of José Socrates, 
nominated by Sócrates to the presidency of the CGD, 
the state bank, which is envolved in many fraudulent schemes

António Mexia, president of the monopoly of electricity, 
EDP, in hot water for suspecting of having recieved millions from 
BES bank in exchange for favours.
Mario Soares, ex-PM, ex-President of the Republic, 
founder of the Socialist Party, who helped his great friend, 
Ricardo Salgado, 
"The Big Boss of everything" buy the Espirito Santo Bank, 
which is at the nucleus of the corruption scandal,
according to the Panama Papers
Lula da Silva, ex-president of Brazil, 
recently imprisoned on corruption charges, 
and José Sócrates, accused of fiscal fraud, 
money laundering and corruption.

Zeinal Bava, ex-president of PT,
suspected of corruption 
and receiving millions of euros.

Rocha Andrade, Secretary of State, who got football tickets 
to go to the European Championships
José Sócrates, with some of his ex-ministers 
who are under suspion

Ricardo Salgado, The BIG Boss, with Manuel Pinho

José Sócrates with his big pal, Lula da Silva!

Vieira da Silva ex- and current minister of Social Security.

João Galamba, socialist deputy, 
and great defender of Sócrates and his regime, 
of which Galamba was part and parcel, 
always on the accusing warpath, 
spitting fireballs of hatred and bile at any one who dares, 
to speak of the socialists. 
Now jumping on the bandwagon of shame.

Azeredo Lopes, Defense Minister, 
who didn't know about the vulnerability 
of the military installations at Tancos 
where heavy military ammunition were stolen

Paula Brito e Costa, who paid herself an exorbitant (and illegal) salary
of over €6000 per month, using Raríssimas funds for a trip to Brazil, 
a luxury spa holiday, fancy gowns and top-of-the-range wheels. 
But much worse, Brito e Costa, appears to have been doing all this,
 in plain sight and company of political benefactors, 
who have since insisted they knew nothing about any of it.
The unseparable siamese twins, 
Ricardo Salgado, of the BES/GES scandal, 
and José Sócrates, ex-Prime Minister of Portugal, 
accused of corruption, money laundering and fiscal fraude.

It took three and a half years for the Socialist Party 
to admit that it was "ashamed" of the Socrates case. 
Ironically, the shameful announcer was Carlos César, 
the party's president, 
who is not ashamed to charge taxpayers double for trips,
which were already subsided by taxpayers money, 
or to have half his immediate family employed by the State. 
In truth, Cesar has lots of skeletons in his cupboard to hide. 
When César tried to make the independent, ex-minister, Manuel Pinho, 
a sacrificial lamb, he didn't mean to stir up the shameful sins 
of the last Socialist Government, 
but he had awakened all the ghosts of the most shameful past 
of the Portuguese democracy. 
Because it is impossible to speak of Manuel Pinho 
and not to say anything about José Sócrates. 
Or about Ricardo Salgado. Or about Mexia. 
Or about the managers of PT.
Or Lula da Silva, or Hugo Chaves.

More. Pinho does not just drag down Socrates. 
The case also reminds us of ALL those 
who sat in the other seats of that Council of Ministers 
of José Sócrates Socialist Government,
which include many of the current ministers 
of António Costa's government.
António Costa was the second in command of the Sócrates regime, 
as well as Vieira da Silva, Santos Silva, Carlos César and others. 
If they saw nothing, or closed their eyes, 
they were completely blind on purpose. 
If they did not realize what was going on, 
(all the corruption, the criminal acts, the extra payments in offshores, etc)
then they did not count at all 
or they should be put on the list of the suspects 
because they are people to take into account. 
There are two of them that are back in the same ministerial seats.

Carlos César fell into the trap. 
The Pinho scandal is now transformed 
into yet another paradigmatic case 
of the functioning of Portuguese politics. 
In a country where all parties have no walls but glass roofs, 
 the principal code was that of silence. 
Ten days ago, when Rui Rio timidly threw the first stone, 
the floodgate was opened. 
Suddenly everyone wants to throw stones. 
Carlos César let himself be caught by his own words. 
After his mouth had confessed the truth, 
there was no point in trying to correct the trajectory of the outrage: 
the snowball was already rolling at high speed. 
From members of the Government to the loudspeaker, João Galamba, 
socialist Ana-Gomes-mushrooms multiplied uncontrolably.
(Ana Gomes had shocked the country by admitting
that the socialist party had become an instrument of
corruption and of criminals).

The PS should have required only a direct explanation from Manuel Pinho. 
A simple answer to the question that needs to be answered: 
was Pinho as minister of the Economy, on a special payroll, 
recieving a special commission to defend the interests 
of his real boss, Ricardo Salgado, of the Banco Espírito Santo,
who paid him generously?  
If the socialists had gone down that lane,  
they could have continued whistling to the side
as if nothing had happened, or if it had nothing to do with them, 
with that litany of cliché explainations:
 "to justice what is of justice and to politics what is of politics."

But the Socialists grapped hold of the rope 
that the radical Block extended to them. 
And now instead of saving themselves, 
they risk hanging themselves.

Catarina Martins is a type of Peter, 
always crying out, anouncing the coming of the wolf,
 as in the fable. 
No matter how much she shouts, shudders 
and even making threatening ultimatums, 
no one takes notice of the Bloco's threats anymore
Everyone has realized her strategy: 
these radical-marxists wants to be the only partner 
of the Socialists in a forthcoming Government, 
even it is worth physical shoving and pushing 
with the Communists/CGTP (Communist trade union),
 at the Labour Day celebrations, 1st of May, in Lisbon. 
As soon as she saw Rui Rio, 
the radicals' main competitor for an alliance with the Socialists, 
for the first time, opening the tap of his promised "Bath of ethics", 
Catherine took charge of her usual blow: 
by announcing a vast Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry!
 One of "those", which promise to investigate everything and anyone, 
then never come to any conclusion at all. 
An idea, which the Communists, after its loss of being the first, 
have widened the scope of inquiry even further.

The hypothesis of spending four months 
investigating 14 years of exessive energy rents, 
CMEC's and other such perks,
 sounded perfect to the PS. 
Nothing is better than dividing to reign, 
to scatter, to shuffle and display the shame of others. 
To the honourable exception of the BPN, 
the parliamentary investigations 
are either absolutely inconclusive 
or politically compromised. 
And who appears before the commission, 
 is advised not to talk (as Pinho already was) 
or suffer from unexplained attacks of amnesia. 
The problematic cases of the BES / GES and CGD 1 and 2 
are only some of lastest proofs of this model, 
(unfortunately) lacking any political scrutiny or consequences. 
A kind of OMO detergent: 
great for bleaching and laundering.

But the Socialists realized too late 
that their washing was too far too filthy. 
They ended up smudging, 
what they had so far managed to keep untouched. 
Socrates is, however, 
as much as the socialists have tried to disguise the fact, 
a unique case. Unprecedented. 
His corruption overlaps all the other cases. 
He is omnipresent in all these criminal cases.
Now what Carlos César did,
 was to assume, for the first time, that Pinho and Socrates,
 are mired in the same pool of mud. 
It is, therefore, inevitable that the mud will be thrown 
to the whirling fans at the PS congress 
later this month. 
Maybe the portuguese will hear more shameful facts. 
Only for this, Hail César!

Rui Rio, the new president of the PSD party, 
has demanded that the names of all the debtors of CGD be revealed. 
Those names, that the deputies of the various parties, 
even with the approval of the courts, 
had been hiding so well hidden from the portuguese people. 
If it weren't that so many prominent names were involved
and such large amounts of money 
were given out freely,without any guarantees,
  the portuguese people should go out into the streets,
 to demand their direct and indirect taxes back, in a popular revolt 
against the rife socialist corruption.
The amount so far known, runs in 4 billion euros, 
with another 103 million euros, made available by Armando Vara,
 to his friends of Vale do Lobo 
and 1.7 million euros as compensation to the last administrators,
who were dismissed, together with António Domingues. 
I doubt if Rui Rio will be lucky. 
But if he is, good luck for him. 
It will surely open the true Pandora's Box,
 as Armando Vara was nominated to the Caixa Geral de Depósitos
the State controlled bank, by José Socrates!

In any civilised DEMOCRATIC country, 
these "corrupt criminals" 
(according to socialist Eurodeputy, Ana Gomes),
would have been forced to resign and face justice in higher courts.

But well, 

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