Dilma and Lula
Lula and Socrates
Lula: "no longer a human being, only an idea!"
Today's text is the story of political failures.
the seasonal hero of the radical leftists here in Portugal
and the radicals in Brazil.
Lula, the man in question,
who supposedly
transformed a poor, uneducated and violent country,
into a poorer, uneducated, and extremely violent country.
Most people knew he was a crook of a lowest level
and a burgess without any level.
He chooses his international friends
from the best dictatorships
and terrorist organizations.
No one, except perhaps for millions of Brazilians
who actually suffered in their skin,
can even phathom the extend of the crimes committed,
in the name of his extremist views and policies.
By watching videos
of the creature's political interventions
and all those dogdy creatures surrounding him.
one can't help but laugh, if it wasn't so tragic!
It is literally indescribable.
Lula deserves the treatment that came his way!!
Not referring to the social origins of the man,
at least not in the disgusted sense
with which certain elites from Lisbon,
referred with disdain,
to Pedro Passos Coelho's apartment in Massamá.
President Lincoln was born poor.
Louis Armstrong was born poor.
For God's sake, I think that even the footballer Quaresma
was born poor,
and between two spittings on the football field
and a new tattoo on the back of his neck,
he still manages to look like a gentleman in contrast to Lula.
To say that Lula is below a dog, is the euphemism of the year:
in matters of intelligence, character and lucidity,
Lula is well below the animal that gave him the name,
with no offense to the animal (a squid).
In short, Lula is less than nothing,
which makes evaluation efforts
redundant or mere commentary.
Is it worth talking about his intelligence?
No!! Not worth it.
Lula expresses himself through grunts and some syllables
perhaps taken from the Portuguese language.
At a cost,
one can see his pride in confessing that he does not read,
allegedly being too lazy,
but most probably because he is incapable.
There is no vestige of knowledge,
culture or understanding of two or three basic information.
What abounds here, is the primordial instinct of the morning,
and the only abonnatory point is,
the miraculous detail that his successor
in the presidency, Dilma,
exhibits an even more superior ignorance.
Lula and Dilma, do not fit into the concept of homo sapiens
(or "sapiens woman", to quote her):
in addition, their brains do not reach
the sophistication of a mere sandal.
Is it worth talking about his character?
No!! Not worth it.
There is, for example, the occasion in which,
nearly killing himself laughing,
Lula recalled the exaggerations that he committed
in the years prior to his presidency,
while spreading stories abroad,
regarding to the number of starving children in Brazil,
whose reality he ignored with genuine contempt.
Or the occasion in which, before the chambers,
he described his plans - already consummated -
to take the state by assault.
Or the recent most ridiculous episode
in which he used his wife's death to exalt himself,
instead of a mass in her honour,
he used it as a political rally,
using her fans, to defy the police.
Before he lost his fingers,
Lula had lost his sense of self-shame.
Is it worth talking about his lucid state of mind?
No!! Not worth it.
Somewhere on his deplorable path to fame,
Lula started to believe that he was a "myth"
that opportunists or the crazy swept-up mobs,
guaranteed that he was in reality.
Even without his blasfemous comparisons
of himself with Jesus Christ,
there are countless of moments in which the specimen
cannot be distinguished from being,
the victim of mental possession.
The heyday of his curious dementia was reached,
in the legendary "mass" that preceded his arrest:
"I am no longer a human being. I'm an idea,"
he proclaimed, now without laughing.
It is from such hysterical material,
that many historical calamities are made of.
In the light of all these facts,
many may ask, quite stupefied,
what leads the radical leftists, ours and theirs,
to idolize such a monstrous emptiness.
They were probably born yesterday.
What the stupefied might wonder about,
is the fact that the leftists not only worship Lula,
who, apart from his poor intellect
and his "democratic" credentials,
scrupulously fulfills the criteria essential
for the saints, that the Marxist faith idolise.
There is no deception or confusion:
the radical leftists are drooling about Lula
because Lula fits the hammer and sickle criteria
of the communist cult.
Except for the five booklets on his shelf
and the possible "social" veneer,
of a standard comrade,
Lula suffers from the primitivism and dishonesty,
blindness and arrogance,
that define the "son of Brazil",
which isn't by any chance,
the title of a propaganda film
financed by the expected channels.
In fact, in favour of the progress of the peoples,
the leftists are used to cultivating psychopaths
who murder their subjects pedagogically.
Under what pretext would he be tied
to a cartwright who merely stole from them?
His well-known "friends" are quick to shout hysterically
that Lula is a political prisoner,
but are we really going to discuss
whether the horrors of Venezuela or Cuba
hide a commendable side?
Let's go down to the pigsty of criminals or collaborators.
Let's ponder the importance of communism today.
Just for this, Lula should be imprisoned.
Part of an article by Alberto Gonçalves
But NOT in Portugal:
The business relationship
between former Portuguese prime minister, José Sócrates
and former Brazilian president Lula da Silva,
- both of whom are now key suspects
in ongoing investigations into institutional corruption.
Business names already well-known in the developing scandals:
Octapharma, the pharmaceutical company
that used to employ Sócrates
as its consultant for south America,
and Odebrecht, a construction company cited
particularly in the Brazilian “Car Wash” (Lava Jato) case
- a kind of mirror image of Portugal’s ongoing Operation Marques,
though Marquês, for now at least,
seems to be on a much smaller scale.
Both investigations are far from concluded,
the former portuguese prime minister
has not been formally charged yet with any crime
- although Sócrates has spent 41 weeks in jail on remand
and further weeks under house arrest,
while Lula has now been imprisoned.
The undeniable chumminess between Socrates and Lula,
with secret meetings in São Paulo,
and talks on how to “influence” Octapharma’s business dealings
over blood plasma sales to Portugal.
Crowds have taken to the streets in force,
protesting over ex-President Dilma's and Lula's
"institutionalisation of corruption".
In Portugal, Socrates,
who brought the country to its knees,
to face bankruptcy and an international aid programme,
is invited to State universities,
as a guest speaker,
His speeches are usually to victimize himself
where he declares himself as innocent
and nearly as a political "refugee".
A hysterical political rally.
Three ex: Two ex-presidents and one ex-Prime Minister.
Three failures!
Three accused of institutional corruption,
abuse of power and money laudering.
Three victims of the same malady - corruption!!
Three "innocents"
Three connected as if by a giant squid (lula).
Three sociopaths,
known for their lack of tolerance, their dishonesty,
their manipulation of public opinion, and the masses.
The "martyrs" of the neo-socialist-communist dream.
All three, best friends forever,
with the corrupt dictator presidents
of Cuba and Venezuela.
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