Thursday 1 November 2018

Creme de la Creme - has become an unbearable nightmare

António Costa
Socialist PM
Ex-number 2 of the corrupt Socrates governance
Mário Centeno
Finance Minister
Fernando Cabrita
Minister of Interior Affairs
Vieira da Silva
Social Security Minister, 
Ex-minister of corrupt Socrates' governance
Catarina Martins
Leader of the radical leftist Bloco Esquerda
Jerónimo Sousa
Leader of the Communist Party

Um pantanoso e degradante mercantilismo dos interesses vai-se esparramando imparavelmente sobre a complacente inércia de demasiada gente.

A marshy and degrading mercantilism of interests, 
is spreading unspeakably over the complacent inertia of too many people.

Com a esperada aprovação do Orçamento do Estado para 2019 e de todas as suas promessas falsas e cortinas de fumo, o Governo de António Costa e a maioria parlamentar que o suporta preparam-se, ladinamente, para bisar a legislatura e governar até pelo menos 2023.

With the expected approval of the State Budget for 2019 and all its false promises and  smoke screens, the leftist socialist Government of António Costa and the marxist-leninist parliamentary majority that supports it prepare themselves, arrogantly for a repeat of the legislature and to govern until at least 2023.

Na gestão corrente das remunerações, abonos e gratificações dos pendurados do Orçamento não sobra tempo para mais nada na acção governativa.

In the day-to-day management of public servants' salaries, 
allowances and gratuities of the millions of hang-on parasites,  
totally dependant on the State Budget, 
leaves no time for anything else in any government action.

Ninguém quer mudar, reformar, fazer mais e melhor, voar ou crescer.
Um pantanoso e degradante mercantilismo dos interesses vai-se esparramando imparavelmente sobre a complacente inércia de demasiados que existem para olhar para os pés, investir no shopping ou comprar carros de marca.

Nobody wants to change, to reform anything, 
to do better and much more, nobody wants to fly or grow.
A marshy and degrading mercantilism of interests, 
is spreading unstoppably,
 because of the complacent inertia of too many
 who exist only to look at their own feet, 
to invest only in the shopping mall, 
or to buy smart brand-name cars.

Este atascal  - que Guterres já tinha diagnosticado 
- é a mais forte marca de água da geringonça. 
Mas esta visão beatífica e jubiloso, de uma nova legislatura à esquerda 
é um insuportável pesadelo. Porque esconde o essencial.
Porque nega a realidade. 
Porque é uma contabilidade a crédito só de alguns.
Sucede que Portugal é um país uno e soberano, 
um povo livre, uma história gloriosa.
Não é uma ONG da tanga, nem um rebanho de alguns beneficiados, 
nem uma narrativa socrática ou dos seus amigos e sucessores.
Não pode, nem quer ser uma academia de tipo desportiva 
gerida por dirigentes malfeitores, 
não é um presídio de interesses mais e menos escondidos.
Não é uma malhada de gado. Temos memória.
Temos vergonha na cara.

This jellyfish - which António Guterres had already diagnosed 
- is the strongest watermark of the contraption socialist-marxist governance. 
But this beautifying and joyous vision of another, new leftist legislature, 
has become an unbearable nightmare.
Because it hides the essentials. Because it denies reality.
Because it is living on foreign credit only in favour of some chosen few. 
It happens that Portugal is a sovereign and united country, 
a free people, with a glorious history.
It is not a poor NGO, nor a herd of some beneficiaries, 
nor a Socratic narrative for special friends and successors.
We can not, and do not want Portugal to be run by evil leaders,
like a sports academy 
Portugal is not a prison of more and less hidden interests.
It is not a herd of cattle. We have a collective memory.
We are ashamed in our faces.

O governo e a maioria de esquerda que o suportam 
assobiam para o lado e mobilizam o entorpecimento colectivo para 2019.
Mas não vamos deixar. 
Dizemos não à desonestidade e à inconsciência.
Basta parar e olhar para duas tragédias 
que literalmente ainda gritam por justiça.
O incêndio de Pedrógão Grande, de Junho de 2017, 
que contabilizou 66 mortos.
Mais de 500 casas de habitação parcial 
ou totalmente destruídas pelo fogo.
Prejuízos materiais na ordem dos 500 milhões de euros.
Os incêndios florestais de Outubro de 2017 
que causaram 50 vítimas mortais confirmadas.

The leftist socialist-marxist government, 
tend to whistle to the side 
and plans to mobilize a collective paralysis for 2019.
But we will not allow it.
We say NO to dishonesty and unconsciousness.
Just stop and look at two horrible tragedies 
that literally still cry out for justice.
The fire of Pedrógão Grande, of June 2017, that caused the death of 66.
More than 500 houses were partially or totally destroyed by fire.
Material damages are etimated in the order of 500 million euros.
The forest fires of October 2017 that caused 50 confirmed fatalities.

Sobre estas desgraças o governo do partido socialista e a maioria de esquerda que o suporta limitaram-se a um vergonhoso e insuportável e tardio jogo do passa culpas, a assinar alguns cheques de má vontade e a esconder todo o lixo debaixo do tapete.

On these horrible tragedies, the socialist-marxist government limited itself,
to a shameful and unbearable game passing the bucket of the blame, 
writing out some cheques out of ill will 
and otherwise hiding the trash under the carpet.

Nada de realmente decisivo e estrutural foi entretanto estudado a sério ou feito para que a tragédia não voltasse a acontecer.
O povo desprezado e abandonado do interior rural incendiado nunca interessou, nem interessa nada a este governo e a esta mesquinha maioria de esquerda sem alma que o suporta.

NOTHING really decisive and structural 
has however been studied seriously 
or implemented, to ensure that a tragedy 
like the above mentioned will  not happen again.
The despised and abandoned people living in the burning rural countryside,
 were NEVER of any interest to this soullesss socialist government and this spineless majority of marxists who support it.

Um touro corrido em Lisboa numa quinta-feira à noite, um gatinho empoleirado numa árvore em Alcântara, um revés de dois ou três turistas num tuk-tuk no Chiado ou mais um “projecto” de engenharia social-familiar mexem mais com as castradas e remordidas consciências desta maioria urbanista e animalista.
Mas nós, também com os nossos votos, vamos impedir que o pesadelo vença.
Em Outubro de 2019, não passarão.

A bull running loose in Lisbon on a Thursday night, a kitten perched on a tree in Alcantara, a setback of two or three tourists in a tuk-tuk in Chiado or another social-family engineering "project" of these remorseful consciences of this urbanistic and animalistic majority.
But we, with our votes, will prevent the nightmare from winning again.
In October 2019, they will not get a free pass.

Written by Miguel Alvim, a lawyer

Friday 3 August 2018

Property expropriation without compensation - Communist landgrab in South Africa

Por Tasnim News Agency, 
CC BY 4.0,

That ONE phrase in CYRIL'S SPEECH, 
which many people failed to noctice
National Front SA

The media is buzzing after Ramaphosa's late-night speech 
as leader of the ANC, rather than president of the country, 
in which he announced that the revision of the constitution 
will continue to expropriate property without compensation. 
This had an immediate negative impact on the economy 
with the Rand plunging to new depths against the dollar.

Ramaphosa's speech was an indication that the ANC 
now regards itself as superior to Parliament 
and any legal processes. 
The committee that has to make recommendations 
regarding the proposed amendment to Article 25, 
is still busy with public hearings 
before submitting their report only on 28 September. 
They could just as well forget about it - the whole process 
is just to mark off all the bills on the list. 
The ANC has already decided and so it will be.

However, there is one small phrase, 
half in the middle of the speech, 
which has almost passed unnoticed, 
and which is like a bucket of ice cold water, 
if you think about it a little. 
Ramaphosa said: 
" transform the unjust spacial realities into urban areas ..."

What does it mean? 
In practice, 
exactly the same as what happened in urban and suburban areas 
in every other Communist country. 
It will no longer be acceptable for a black family of 6, 
to live in a three-story storage hut, 
that stands only a few meters from the next hut, 
while a retired white couple or a single person 
occupies a house on an estate in a suburb 
or in an enclosed housing complex.

Exactly how they plan to correct that, one does not know. 
Will they, in the expropriation of property, 
force the homeowners to take in other people, 
like what happened in St. Petersburg and Moscow 
after the Communist takeover? 
Are they expropriating the house and giving it to three families, 
while the homeowner moves to a one-bedroom apartment, 
somewhere, like what they did in Warsaw and Riga 
after the communist takeover? 
Are they giving permission to the squatters 
to set up their huts on the property, 
because the plot had been expropriated, 
as happened in Bucharest and Dobrovnik and Budapest 
after the Communist takeover? 
Surely, they will focus on people who own a second property 
- the townhouse or beach house or apartment 
that is rented out for an extra income. 
Will it simply be confiscated and handed over 
to the squatters for habitation, 
as was done in Havana and Caracas and Krakow 
after the Communist takeover?

We do not know. 
All that we know is: "Urban areas" are specifically mentioned. 
The expropriation plan is not just the farmers' crisis. 
It's the crisis of every one of us, 
who owns a house. 
It literally means that urban neighbourhoods 
would be used to provide the solution 
for the overpopulation in the squatter camps.

Now people may ask: 
"Yes, but what about us who have mortgages on properties? 
What about our bank mortgages? 
No, no-one knows, all we know is: 
If they want to take your home, 
they will definitely not have any sleepless nights 
about how to pay your debts. 
Go and ask any Zimbabwean 
if Mugabe offered to repay his bank mortages".

It is bitterly disturbing 
if you realize the implications of this plan. 
Cyril Ramaphosa rang the deathbell 
for the South African economy, 
for Freedom and Justice and, above all, 
for any possibility of a peaceful and prosperous co-habitation 
in South Africa.
The ANC now runs the risk 
of not being remembered in history 
as a liberation movement, 
but as the movement 
that plunged a once-prosperous country, 
into a fierce racial conflict, 
in which streams of blood will flow, 
from which nobody can benefit 
and everyone will surely suffer.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Money, money money - the radical communists' bullshit policies out in the fore.

Portugal, where it is illegal to kill animals, 
but killing human being becomes legal 
when euthanasia is approved
Mariana Mortuagua, a BE deputy,
is the daughter of a radical communist terrorist, 
who hijacked and killed to defend his ideology
 Catarina Martins, leader of the radical communist BE
Ricardo Robles and Catarina Martins
More and more homeless on the streets, 
after heartless evictions by landlords, 
including bullshit landlords.

Ricardo Robles, the radical communist deputy 
of the Bloco Esquerda,
 who claimed to be the "Zorro Lisboeta", 
who has the gift of tongues,  
always with the motto of social justice 
as his favourite hobby-horse, as a backdrop.
But, in the end, it all comes to ONLY one thing!!
Privately, he wants what everyone else wants: 
money, money, money!!

the Portuguese are witnessing 
the "fall of the devilish angel", 
so beloved by the social media. 
The mask of these radicals' hypocritical moralism 
of a feigned democracy, is finally falling. 
Ricardo Robles - the man who insurged 
against ALL real estate speculation, 
the radical, who claimed to be the "Zorro Lisboeta", 
the politician who wanted to implement 
a policy of generalized social housing, 
removing ALL real estate, from the "capitalist pigs" 
and of the "powerful owners" - 
is the perfect example of a typical Portuguese leftist. 
He speaks well, preferring classical clichés, 
always with the lyrical motto of social justice as a backdrop 
- but then, privately, he desires fervently what everyone else wants, 
at the end of the day, all he wants is money, to live comfortably, 
without too much state interferring. 
In the case of Robles, he classified real-estate speculation 
as a true "capitalist vulture" (using BE jargon), 
harming the weak, exploiting neighbours. 
while the political Ricardo Robles 
(to cheat the zé-povinho) 
wore Che Guevara sweaters.

Attention: these examples of political hypocrisy,
 is not unheard of of the radical leftists, 
especially considering the Portuguese leftists. 
There are a lot of people in the Left Block and the Socialist Party,
 who are only there, to benefit from the qualified protection 
that only a militancy of a leftist ideology, confers them -
- being a leftist, is a mastercard of impunity,
 that legitimizes any private behaviour. 
For leftists, there is no reproachful conduct - 
as all the leftists, are considered to be the perfect examples of holiness, 
any misconduct is justifiable, in the light of its "social progressive" goals.
In the background, the leftists think - as evidenced, 
moreover confirmed, by the statements of Catarina Martins - 
that personally helping Robles 
(allowing him to speculate on a grand scale), 
is also to help the progressive cause.
Because to guarantee the comfort, 
well-being and happiness of Ricardo Robles - 
one of her favorite warriors - 
is to allow him the material conditions 
to develop his ideological struggle 
against the "capitalists", 
against "the danger of the rightist patronage," 
against "the austerity that kills. 
"That is, in order to defeat the capitalists, 
"home owners" and "austerity," 
the radicals of the BE gang, 
are allowed to be more capitalist, 
than most Portuguese capitalists, 
they may violate basic rules, that most of the "home owners" 
are forced to follow scrupulously 
(under the threat of economic sanctions and penalties) 
and the leftists are allowed to be more austere,
 with the elderly population 
(treating them unworthily, as Ricardo Robles did) 
in a way that even the troika did not think possible.
Just read the leftists political action manuals 
to conclude that their central point of interest is, 
invariably the same: 
how to cheat the people. 
How to manipulate public opinion. 
What, in fact, is the Leftist Bloc? 
It's a public opinion manipulation agency 
that uses small talk about "public interest" 
to deal with their own "private interests."

Therefore,take notice of the fact 
that there is a structural "error of perception" 
in the Portuguese democracy: 
Only the naive would consider the BE,
  to deserve the designation of the Leftist Block. 
Forget it! None of this! 
"BE" stands for "Leftist Bullshit". 
Because, Catarina Martins and her ever declining limited company,
 are a group that became professionalized to sell bullshit 
and lies to the Portuguese people. 
Just read the speeches of the troupe of Catarina Martins, 
just study the bills they present in parliament, 
to conclude that everything really comes down to contradictory bullshit. 
There is not ONE credible idea, a serious vision for Portugal, 
not even a structured thought about foreign policy - 
just bullshit, bullshit talk.

The BE - the Leftists bullshiters, 
have worked long enough to reach another level of political hypocrisy. 
The political hypocrisy of the Leftists Bullshiters,
 already allows us to change their name. 
They deserve a new designation. 
After all, the last three years in which the radical BE-Leftists,
 have proven experts in setting up a political stage,
 to deceive the Portuguese, with a degree of sophistication and perfidy,
 as has never before happened in our democracy 
- with the intense collaboration of the main player director, 
António Costa, the greatest political pretender ever. 
António Costa is a type of Filipe La Féria of politics. 
With a remarkable difference: 
Filipe La Féria, has a mastery for spectacles, which may enchant; 
on the other hand, 
António Costa, with his obsessive cynicism of being in control, 
of being in power, however insignificant, 
only deceives.

With the co-operation of "The Great Pretender" Prime Minister Costa, 
the former Leftist Bloc (which was, in fact, the Leftist Bullshiters Bloc) 
definitely turned into the "Leftists turn-a-blind-eye Bullshiters". 
The BE is nothing more than an authentic cold bath for all those who had illusions 
- go and find out why! - 
 the authentic nature of the Portuguese radical leftists. 
The BE preached to the seven seas, 
that they would step on the European parliament's toes,
they would force them to renegotiate the foreign debt, 
put Mrs. Merkel up against a wall 
- after all, the progressive Bullshit BE,
 has quietly converted to the worst possible austerity, 
has in the government they support fervently,
 a finance minister, who is the president of the Eurogroup 
and has conspired against the portuguese, 
by allowing the socialist budget, to captivate millions of euros,
 in funds necessary for the normal functioning of public services,
 as never before seen in democracy, 
depleting and degrading essential public services, 
all of which were so enthusiastically defended by the radical BE.
That is: an authentic frozen bath for the Portuguese,
 who still believed in the leftists. 
We now realize that the radical BE is the Left Bullshiters.

Until quite recently, the radical BE,
 was still the party of the public school teachers, 
defending the public school, the rights of the teachers
 against the right-wing "evil-doers," 
who only think about "finances", 
the National Health Service, the immigrating doctors and nurses -
After all, the socialist government, 
with the decisive support of the tamed radical BE, 
refused to restore the rights of the public school teachers, 
denying them a full count of their service record, 
they strangled the National Health Service, 
to a point of catastrophic porportions, 
there is a real exploitation of mankind, 
a progressive new kind of slavery,  by the State, 
in what is required of nurses and other health professionals. 
In short: an authentic frozen bath,
 for all those who believed in the Portuguese leftists. 
Radical BE means, we know now, without any doubt, 
Bullshit Leftists!!

The radical BE now claims that this is not their government, 
it is the government of the Socialists PS - 
but the socialist government only came into existance and still remains, 
because the radical BE, has always supported it in parliament. 
If the radical BE, did not want this fake socialist government, 
this government would have already ceased functions. 
Because, basically, what the BE wants,
 is to gain a favourable position in the socialist government, 
after the elections, thereby conquering more political power.
 The BE is undoubtedly a disillusionment, 
for those who believed in the "purity and dedication" to the cause 
of the Portuguese leftists.

As a cherry on top of the cake, after all, 
the radical BE elite, is much more capitalist, 
than the Portuguese capitalists, 
doing in private what they oppose in public. 
The Robles case came as no surprise: 
it is only the confirmation of what we have suspected all along
and now we all came to know for sure.

Definitely, the radical BE has turned out to be the Left Bullshiters. 
Dear fellow countryman and dear compatriot, 
do you really want to turn the country over to the Left Bullshiters? 
Do you want your future, the future of your children and grandchildren 
to be in the hands of the Left Bullshiters? 
And do you want our country to be led by the man 
who has sold himself to the Left Bullshiters, 
mortgaging our future, just to preserve his own personal political power 
- yes, do we refer to the great faker and pretender, Dr. António Costa? 
No, and that's the sensible answer. 
Let's not allow the Left Bullshiters to turn our future 
into an authentic "bullshit".

The Portuguese have already recognized that what the radical BE says, 
does not have the least credibility, 
so only the very naive accept its verbal demagoguery. 
Catarina Martins' best posture when speaking,
 no longer has any impact or echo.
BUT .... the radical policies so insidiously followed by the radical BE,
 to destroy our personal and cultural values,
 (the Discoveries were a national shame, 
Father António Vieira was a racist, 
bullfights must end, homosexual couples are having children, 
private initiative must come to an end, etc.), 
this is dangerous, because they try to erase our parameters 
in order to be easier to impose theirs, 
although completely out of date!!

 It all reminds us of the PODEMOS leader, 
Pablo Iglesias and his companion,
who purchased a house worth over 650,000 euros!!
The Biggest difference of all is:
The BIG Bullshiter, 
the top speculation bullshiter, 
Ricardo Robles, 
wanted 6,000,000 euros 
for his renovated building!!